Sunday, December 25, 2011

Sunday Blog SHOUTOUT - Christmas Debut!

Ok so I decided to start doing a Sunday Blog SHOUTOUT where I will share with you all my favorite posts from the prior week (Sun-Sat) of the blogs I follow. Each week may will present different blogs, different stories, and different emotions. I have also provided the links for each post so that you can check it out for yourself. So here it is:

1. Ooooooo La La Blog - WTF Wednesdays: Teenager Gets Stuck in Chimney

This is my top pick for the week simply because it is so daggon FUNNY! Like how dumb can this kid BE? You can see i commented on the post and said I wouldn't even punish the kid because the embarrassment of it all would be enough for me LOL.

2. BmorelikeCam - Finding Joy in the Pain of Starting Something NEW

This is my top pick for the week not because it was his first post, but because I thought the message was awesome! There are so many people who are complacent in where they are in life and are afraid to step out of their comfort zone. A lot of times you are stuck in the life you don't want or like because you aren't taking steps to do something new.

3. emuneee The Verizon Galaxy Nexus Life [Review]

So I was done with the first two and was ready to post, but a recent post today (Saturday) caught my eye and I had to add it to the list. I personally am picky person when it comes to choosing a new phone and will hold on to a crappy phone until I find one I am 111% sure I want. Therefore, I felt this was an awesome post this week! It's rare you get such a detailed review on a phone and from someone you actually know which for ME makes it more credible.

Hope you enjoyed this first Sunday Blog SHOUTOUT and please let me know if this is something you guys like and would like to see more of!

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