Saturday, October 27, 2012

Cool and Creepy Products

I am not sure if these things are in mass production, but I found this site that has a bunch of "Bizarre and Unusual Product Designs", some of which I thought were cool and would actually buy if I found it in a store! On the other hand, there were some that I thought were creepy or pointless lol. The one above was my favorite. I don't like milk, but I would buy it! See some of the other ones below.


Invisible Chair

USB Typewriter


Dell Flipping Tablet

Bathroom Sink Aquarium - this one is borderline..


Blood Bag Energy Drink...gross

Pillow Hands...not sure how I feel about this

I am not even sure what this is suppose to be, but it's creepy...

What other cool or creepy products have you seen or heard of?

Monday, October 22, 2012

StandOut Ads - Nemo 2

Not funny! I hope no kid ever sees this ad! LOL

No Pookie...Just Sanchez!!!

Above is the new love of my life. Well...I have had him for 4 months now, but it still feels new. His name is Sanchez and he is 5 1/2 months old (pictured above). He is a Husky-American Bulldog mix and is such a joy! He is the sweetest dog ever and loves everyone so makes it easy to take him places. I don't worry about him attacking anyone or even any other dogs. Honestly, it is usually other small adult dogs that like to bark and growl at him and he just sits there looking at them like they are crazy. I am so happy I was able to get a dog now that I moved and am home more. I still travel, but most of my travel is drive-able so I can stay at pet-friendly hotels and take him with me. See below for more pics starting from when I got him at 8 weeks.

Saturday, October 20, 2012



So after a 7 month hiatus, I have returned to my blog!!! It has been rough to get into the mindset to blog after I went back to work following my surgery and subsequent medical leave. Between working and all of the changes in my life (more on that in upcoming posts!), I will admit I just did not feel like blogging. My bff and fellow blogger Lala has been bugging me for months to get back on it and I always said the same thing..."I will as soon as things settle down." Well days turned into weeks and weeks into months and now finally here I am. Lala started a new blog about health and fitness and I started to think dag I miss blogging! I have been keeping up with other blogs, but just have been neglecting my own. It may be a slow start since I have to try and fit this in with working almost 13-15hr work days for the next couple of months, but we will see how it goes. I have a lot to share so finding things to write about in the beginning will definitely not be a challenge. I look forward to getting back to it and if it's only to help get some stress relief from writing, I am fine with that. So stay tuned this weekend for some new posts!!!

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Privacy Please! How Far is Too Far for Employers?

A while ago I was talking to my mom about social networks and she mentioned how some jobs require you to give them access to your social networking accounts in order to get the job. My initial reaction was...


So you know I had to look into it more because this just did not make sense to me. I came across this article in the NYTimes called Social Media History Becomes a New Job Hurdle. They talk about companies scouring the Internet in search of whatever they can find about you including "racist remarks" and "reference to drugs". One company found a prospective employee on Craigslist looking for OxyCotin! Another guy had a picture posted online standing in a greenhouse with large marijuana plants...DUMMY! I guess these people did not get the job.

They go on to talk about other incidents that have been found, but they also brought up a good point. Jobs are not allowed to discriminate against applicants on the basis of things like race, religion, disability, etc. However, this Internet snooping opens them up to find out things they aren't even allowed to ask you on your application. I agree that you shouldn't post anything that is not respectable on the Internet because it is ALWAYS there even if you think you deleted it BUT I also think jobs are going too far.

This article I found talks about a man who when applying for a job was asked to provide his Facebook credentials during the INTERVIEW. Are you kidding me? Jobs need to get real and stop trippin'! I personally do not have anything incriminating on any of my social networking sites, but I still find it unsettling that a potential employer would ask that of me. Sometimes I discuss PERSONAL and NON-CRIMINAL matters with my family and friends and I do not feel they have a right to have access to this. I don't trust them not to go through my messages and friends and just totally invade my Ma'am!

Do you think employers are going overboard?

StandOut Ad - Where’s your child?

I actually gasped when I saw this. Very saddening, but scary how serious it is!

Monday, March 05, 2012

Love On Top - Beyonce

I know it has been a while! Going back to work after weeks off on medical leave was a struggle and I have been trying to get adapted again.

I fell in love with a new song over the past week or so, so I felt it was only necessary to come back with it for my Video Vault. I think "Love On Top" by Beyonce is hot fire and it's such a uplifting song. You cannot help but get excited when you hear it. I loved it so much I downloaded her album "4" from Itunes. I don't get new music often, but I have no problem paying for music when it's worth it. Beyonce also seems to be having so much fun in the video. So I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Note: For some reason they don't do the 2nd verse in the video...ugh but whatever still a good song.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Giving Him Something He Can Feel - En Vogue

All I can say is BAD CHICKS! I think every guy, if he wasn't already, fell in love with En Vogue while watching this video lol. Those were definitely some talented vocalist though. I miss them! There is one part around the 3:27ish mark where this one guy with short dreads is jammin' like this was a pop song and I used to fall out laughing back then and I still fall out laughing when I see that LOL!

Thursday, February 09, 2012

StandOut Ads - Human Meat

One word...Disturbing! Still not enough to convince me to be a vegan though...

If you cannot read the label, it says:

"Billions of animals are abused and violently killed because you eat meat. Get help! Visit"

Doritos - Man's Best Friend Super Bowl Commercial 2012

This was #2 on my list of the funniest super bowl 2012 commercials. See #1 here. Doritos commercials are usually always funny so it is no surprised that this was so hilarious! Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

No No No Part 1 & 2 - Destiny's Child

Throwback! We all know Destiny's Child used to be poppin' back in the day and yes it is old school for us 80s babies! I remember when I was a counselor at the YWCA camp, the girls put together a dance to this song and it was so cute LOL! I can still see it in my head. I miss those girls, one was named Shayla and I still have a painting she made for me and this was like 10-11 yrs ago...awww. 

A few things though. How old were they in this video? I feel like those red dresses were a little much for them as young GIRLS. Also, I forgot Immature was in this video! Lastly, does anyone else feel like this is a bite off the EnVogue - Givin Him Something He Can Feel video? Seems veeeeeery similar. I like the faster (part 2) version better so I included that as well. Enjoy!

Bad Habits, How Many Of Us Have Them?

Friends, How many of us have them...

Yall remember this song? I am probably not old enough to, but I do lol. It is one of those songs that survived multiple generations. Well, it has nothing to do with this post, it just gave me the idea for the title so I decided to share it with you all lol.

So to the real point of this post...Bad Habit!

I have so many I don't even think I can count them all. Some are no big deal and if I never change them, I could care less. It is those other more severe ones that I feel I need to do something with before it ruins my life any further.

There is one particular bad habit I have that I realized the other day was killing me. I can NOT, if my life depended on it, put stuff back where they belong! Like if I take a book out to look at it and I am done with it, it will stay where I am at for days, even weeks! What is so hard about getting up and putting it back on the shelf?! This is a big issue for me because 1 thing not returned to its rightful place turns into 2...6...7...10 things not in their correct place and now your house looks a hot mess!

They say if you do something for 21 days straight, it becomes a habit. So I decided to challenge myself and for 21 days, starting tomorrow, if I take something out of its place, I shall put it back when done! So coats shall be returned to coat closet when I get in the house even if I am "going back out". Those pair of scissors I took out of the drawer to cut that box...BACK IN THE DRAWER! I can do it!

I now challenge all of you to figure out what a bad habit of yours is and make a vow for the next 21 days to break it. Comment below and let us know what that habit is.

We can do it!

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

"25 Pounds" - Update!!!

Back in December I started a journey with you all called "25 Pounds". If you missed the kick-off, check it out here. I had shared with you all that I was 175lbs and that I had a goal to lose 25 pounds. I did not put a time constraint on when I planned to lose those 25 pounds by, I just plan to do it PERIOD!

As some of you that know me already know, I had surgery on Jan 5th and have not been able to really work out. I even gained 16 pounds right after my surgery from bloating and swelling! You KNOW I was devastated! However, I knew it wasn't permanent. In about 1 weeks time after surgery, all of the bloating and swelling, along with those 16 pounds it came with was gone...PHEW! So I was back to 175 and ready to get down and dirty!

Without being able to exercise, good eating habits were VERY important to me. I tried to use what I learned in Weight Watchers and eat healthy portions, foods that are good for you, and tried to avoid the "I snack all day because I sit in the house all day" syndrome. This allowed me to maintain 175 for a few weeks without gaining weight and I was super happy. We alllll know what sitting at home eating and sleeping can do to a female's figure!

Well, enough with dragging you all along on a string. I know what it is you all want to know! So here it is. I am going to tell you now. Like right now....

Manilla - Product Review

Hey guys! This next product review is actually something you do not have to go out and's FREE! It is called Manilla and is an online account and bill organizer! I saw this on the blog of the awesome Double Saving Divas today and I signed up myself to give it a try. 

I love it already. For all of you technology people, it is a good tool just to get all of your eggs in one basket and off the paper. You add different accounts you have like Paypal, Avis Wizard Program, Progress Energy, and Bank of America and it links to the account showing you what your account balances are, when bills are due and in how many days, as well as, how many point on your rewards program!

Of course it isn't all inclusive and there were a few companies not featured, but I feel like it will grow and soon have it all! It linked to my Groupon account and I could see what coupons I had waiting for me. It also linked to my magazine subscriptions showing their expiration dates! You can also view and print paperless statements from the company with ONE click. I myself have ATT Uverse and I was able to view my current statement directly from Manilla. I think this is super cool. 

Sometimes it is nice to have it all in one place, REAL-TIME, without logging onto a million accounts just to update your homemade budget spreadsheet to figure out what is due and when. Also, all of those rewards programs can get hard to keep up with. I myself added my Best Buy, Avis, Marriott, US Airways, and Hilton Honors accounts and now on one page I can see my points for all of those accounts.

For all of you smartphone owners, you can even manage it on the go. I love finding new ways to manage all of these online accounts I have and I plan to give it a test run for a few months and see where it goes. 

So try it out, leave a comment below, and let us know what you think!

Thanks again Double Saving Divas!

Super Bowl M&M Commercial 2012 - Sexy & I Know It

LMBO! Omg I thought long and hard and this was THE funniest commercial during this year's Super Bowl! There were some runner-ups and you WILL be seeing them later on this week! I laughed the first, second, and third time I watched it, each time just as much so that is how I know it's funny lol. ENJOY! Think I am going to watch it again!

Check out the rest of the Super Bowl Commercials here!

StandOut Ads - Wonderbra


Monday, February 06, 2012

$1 off Any 1 TUMS Product Coupon

I don't know about you, but I love high value coupons for $1 or more for ONE product! Nothing more irritating than $1 off THREE. Like ummmm ok great manufacturers, such a blessing. More importantly for Super Doubles at Harris Teeter! For those of you that do not know what that is. Harris Teeter will double any coupon up to $1.99 during Super Doubles so this $1 coupon will double to $2! Who knows, this may lead to cheap or FREE Tums and I need my Tums!

Click here to print your coupon! 

You will have to register, but that is what I have my couponing email address for! Let all those newsletters go there and NOT to my personal account. Don't sleep on these emails though, some of these manufacturers send out coupons in them so you will miss out if you don't check it! Enjoy!

FREE Sample - Tums Freshers: HURRY!!!

HURRY HURRY!!! While Supplies Last!!!

Click here to get your FREE sample of the new Tums Freshers Antacid on Facebook!

All you have to do is like them on FB and enter your name and address and they will send you a free sample within 4-6 weeks! This is a limited time only deal though so get your FREE sample now! I did it already so GO GO GO!

You're Invited! Chicken Pox Party!...Ummmm Ok

So I was reading this article on ABC News website and was completely disgusted! Parents actually order lollipops called "Pox Pops" that children with the chicken pox have LICKED in order to expose their children to chicken pox. They say that it controls when their children get it. I also heard about "Pox Parties" where parents throw parties and invite healthy and sick children to expose the kids to the chicken pox.

I personally think both of those are gross and reckless. I know that it is better for your child to get it young, but really? Do we have to go this far? There are actually Facebook groups dedicated to these crazy acts and the members are growing exponentially! You can actually find a party in your area to send your kids to. I personally get the heebie jeebies when I think of a bunch of sick kids in one place breathing all my good air...gross!

Doctors are trying to spread the word that sending infected lollipops through the mail is dangerous AND Illegal! When you expose your child to these licked pops, you do not know what other diseases that child is carrying and now you have exposed your child! It is also a federal crime to send diseases and viruses through the mail...ANTHRAX SCARE PEOPLE!!! They said you can get up to 20 years sentenced for doing this. It just isn't worth it. Just take your child to Chuck E. Cheese a few times a month!

Like I said, SICK!

What do you think about this?

You A Bad Mutha...SHUT YO MOUTH!

What did she say?!

That is the question a lot of parents say when they hear those not so nice words come out of their children's mouth.

It has always been funny to me how some parents will cuss up a storm around their kids, but then want to beat them when they start repeating them. A lot of parents will say that they don't want their children cussing, it is for adults only and they are not old enough. Others think it is dare I say...CUTE! Those are the ones who recorded it and put it on You Tube.

I think about all of those kids who get in trouble in school for cussing when they are just doing what they know. It is hard to tell a kid "honey I know I cuss, but you cannot do it too". Kids, especially at very young ages are sponges and soak everything up. It is harder for them to cut cussing on and off depending on where they are at like some adults do. Cuss at home, but not at work or church...

This is not about whether I approve of cussing around your children or not, I am just curious as to YOUR opinion on the following:

- Should parents cuss around their children if they don't want them doing it too?
- Is there an age where it is appropriate for your kids to start cussing?
- Should parents cuss around their kids PERIOD?

Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment below...

Weak - SWV

This video is in honor of my home girl La La. Today's Then & Now Artist on her radio show will be SWV! Tune into Kickin' It With Lala today at 4pm on WRNU!

StandOut Ads - Nikon S60

LOL! I don't even know if this should be funny. If you cannot read the caption on the bottom of the ad, it says "The Nikon S60 Detects up to 12 faces"...

Hint: Look for the yellow dotted face recognition boxes throughout the photo...

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

StandOut Ads - Clorets Gum

Point made...

StandOut Ads - Hugging Letter?

Just weird...

I understand advertising is suppose to be unique, but this just creeps me out lol.

Your Toddler Killed My Newborn!!!

What would you do if your newborn died because of exposure to a disease that he or she was too young to receive vaccination for?

An episode of my favorite show Law & Order SVU came on last night that was about vaccinations and children. One woman's newborn died from the measles after being exposed to another woman's toddler at the park. The mother of the toddler took him to the park BEFORE he had any symptoms of the measles, but you are contagious before you show any symptoms. This mother, due to her research and religious beliefs, did not believe in vaccination and thought it would do more harm than good to her son.

For those of you that do not know, there are numerous vaccinations that babies under a certain age cannot receive due to the fact that their poor little bodies cannot handle it. This leaves them susceptible to so much. So the mother of the baby in this episode really couldn't have done anything to prevent her baby from getting it except to keep her in the house 24/7 until she was old enough to be vaccinated. Also, schools and other facilities will not even let your child attend until you prove they have had their vaccinations as a health precaution for the other children.

In this episode, the mother of the toddler who had the measles was being prosecuted because she chose not to vaccinate her child and it caused the death of the newborn. This was soooo controversial to me for 2 reasons...

Remember The Time - Michael Jackson


I have always wanted to shout that from the audience at one of his concerts and I am sooooo devastated I will never be able to! This man was ta-len-ted! I have The MJ Experience on the Wii and I swear I cannot see how he accomplishes all of those moves without skipping a beat! My godson LOVES MJ and it will be a sad day when he finds out he is no longer with us.


Annie Chun's Noodle Bowl Product Review - Yay or Nay?

I am back with another product review and this time it's food! My favorite supermarket, Harris Teeter, had these Annie Chun's Asian Cuisine Noodle Bowls BOGO (Buy One Get One [Free]) this past week. My friend and I happened to pass it and I figured hey, why not try something new for half the price! We also checked out the Nutritional Facts and it wasn't bad at all. They were $2 each with the sale and hey, I will pay almost $8 for ONE meal at a fast food joint so why not?

Below are the ones my friend and I tried:
- Kung Pao (me)
- Sweet Chili (friend)
- Garlic Scallion (me)
- Pad Thai (friend)

Of the two I tried, the Kung Pao was the best. The Garlic Scallion wasn't nasty, just was not as great as the Kung Pao! My friend liked the Sweet Chili over the Pad Thai. They are still BOGO through Feb. 14th so I plan to try them all! My genius friend actually used them as a side with some chicken. I am going to have to try that next time.

Their products are known to be all natural, have no MSG, and no preservatives! I also saw on the package that some, if not all, are totally Vegan! I am NOT a Vegan, but those that are, I think this is a great option. They also make rice and soup bowls, sauces, snacks etc. I don't know about you, but I love options, especially healthy ones so discovering something new to add to the menu is always a plus in my book!

For those of you who do not have Harris Teeter, below are some other popular stores you can find them at:
- A&P
- FoodLion
- Kroger
- Safeway
- Super Target
- Trader Joe's
- Walmart
- Wegmans
- Whole Foods

Final Grade: Yay!

Head over to their official site to sign up for the newsletter and receive your .50 off coupon! I got mine!

Also, complete THIS online survey to enter to win a gift basket full of their products!

Have you or will you try Annie Chun's products? Let us know!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Gettin' Jiggy Wit It - Will Smith

Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah...nah nah nah nah nah!!! Ya'll remember the dance waving your arms with your hands balled up in a fist? LOL. I still know the words to this song and think it was and still is a great party hit if it's the "throwback" segment of the party. Amazing what is considered "cool" depending on the time period. Now we (as in people...NOT me) are doing things like "stanky-legs" and "beef-it-ups". I am sorry, but I drew the line at the "Superman" by Soulja Boy and I am not even proud of that lol. Anyway enjoy!

P.S. Will Smith is still fine!

Friday, January 27, 2012

FREE Tena Twist Pantiliner Sample!!!

I know we all do not like to spend money on things if we don't know if it is good or not. We just talked about that in my Shout Color Catcher Product Review post! Well here is your chance to get a free sample of the Tena Twist Pantiliners! When you enter your information, you will get an email with your coupon that you can use at the store to get some for FREE! The coupon says it is good on any Tena product so you don't have to get pantiliners. They also sell pads and underwear. They advertise them as for usage by those with "bladder problems", but to me, a pantiliner is a pantiliner so I am going to see how I like it! Check out their official site!

Get your free sample HERE or click below for a coupon good for up to $6 which should land you a free pack of the product you choose! I printed mine today and it is good through 1/31/12 so make sure to check when yours expires.

Click HERE to get your coupon!

Also, you can print your $1 off coupon INSTANTLY here! I printed mine and it is good until Jan 31, 2013!

Thanks to the Double Saving Diva's for the tip!

California Girls - Katy Perry

This video is just pure fun! I love to just jump around with my hands in the air spinning in circles when I hear this song lol. I was over-joyed when I bought Just Dance 3 and saw it was on there too!

Shout Color Catcher Product Review - Yay or Nay?

Been gone for a minute now I'm back with a product review! (I anticipate only a few of you will get that lol). But anyway...Due to a recent surgery I had, I haven't been in the blogging mood lately so it has been a while since I did a real post! Thanks to my mother, I have decided to start something new called "Product Reviews"!

You know how something new comes out and you want to try it, but don't know if it really works and you don't trust the commercial or infomercial? Well, that happens to me ALL the time! So I have decided to start blogging about products I have used or know someone who has used them. I think you trust it more when it is someone "real" giving you the thumbs up or thumbs down.

My 1st product review is the Shout Color Catcher that has been out for a little while now. We have all seen the commercial claiming that you can put it in the washer and dryer with your white, red, blue, etc clothes and it will catch the run-off, leaving your clothes the colors they were meant to be. I actually have one I got from a free sample I signed up for and have not used it. Why? Because I did not know if it really worked!

Well my mother texted me the other day saying:

"Omg I just had my own shout color catcher commercial experience!"

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Funny Xerox Commercial: The Mute Button

LOL! I totally knew what happened was going to happen, but it was still funny as if I didn't know...

Thursday, January 19, 2012

FedEx Ad: Two Sided Paper

LMBO! Ok I have been on a FedEx trip lately, but they do have some funny commercials. This one cracked me up because it was so daggon random! I did not expect that at the end. Take a look...

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Taboo - My New Fav Show!!!

There is a show that comes on the National Geographic Channel called Taboo on Tuesdays at 9pm. It exploits all of the crazy and/or unusual stuff people do. Some of the "taboo" things they show are more cultural differences and to US would be Taboo, but obviously to that culture, it is normal.

The website describes it as this:

"Taboo takes viewers on a journey beyond their comfort zones and across cultural borders to explore addictions and lifestyles that are acceptable in some cultures but forbidden, illegal, or even reviled in others. Each hour-long episode examines a topic from a variety of cultures and perspectives, venturing into closed worlds rarely seen."

The very first episode I watched was called "Secret Lives" and it highlighted the following:

1. People who go around dressed as Super Heroes fighting crime on the streets. Focusing on this 1 guy who is really a child care provider with a wife and kids whose super hero name is "Phoenix Jones". Below is a video of Phoenix Jones, as we follow him on one of his "street patrols". Take a look...


Can I Get A What What - Jay-Z ft. Amil and Ja Rule

I looooooved this song and still do! This is the CLEAN version of course lol. I still know all the words, esp Amil and Ja Rule's parts, they were my fav 2 in the video. I remember my dad used to mix up this song with Noreaga "Superthug (What What)"...see below as well if you forgot what song that is. He would say "Can I Get A What What What What What....." LMBO! I swear I fell out every time!

Noreaga - Super Thug (What What)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

One of the Strangest Names EVER!

Beezow Doo-Doo Zopittybop-Bop-Bop...

Yes, I said Beezow Doo-Doo Zopittybop-Bop-Bop LOL. Below is a picture of Beezow Doo-Doo Zopittybop-Bop-Bop who was arrested last week for carrying a concealed weapon, possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of marijuana and a violation of probation in Madison, Wisc.

Apparently he legally changed his name from Jeffrey Drew Wilschke to THAT! Like I sometimes wonder if there is no limit on what someone can change their name to. WHY would they let him do that?! Can I just go change my name to Sniff Sniff Scratch Scratch Sneeze and they will sign the papers and let me walk out?

This was definitely worth asking WHY???

Teenage Death Penalty - Make Sense To You?

I was watching a show (think it was L&O) and it was about a teenager that was 18 who was being sentenced to the death penalty. The lawyers were on opposite sides of the table. Some thought he was too young to be sentenced to the death penalty while the others felt it was the law and he did the crime so he should be treated like everyone else.

First let me make the disclaimer that I personally do not believe in the death penalty. I feel as if it is a band aid (sometimes not even that), for those who were traumatized by whatever the person did, but in no way is it a punishment. How are they suffering if they are dead? Life in prison without chance of parole EVER is just fine with me.

However, my opinion on whether the death penalty is moral or not isn't why I decided to write this. While watching, one of the lawyers made the point that how come everyone wants to harp on him being 18 and so young now, when he isn't too young to be drafted into the military, carry a gun, and kill people. 

I agree. I feel as if in life, period, we stamp people as being "too young" for certain things and not others. Just like the drinking age. An 18 yr old is too young to drink and is not considered adult in that matter, but once again is allowed to go to war and fight for our country or can be tried as an adult in court and sentenced to death.

What do you think? Are we a country that likes to make up rules as we go and choose which criteria to apply when it best makes our case?

Mom Jeans - Ebay

This commercial wasn't even funny to me until the very end when the girl shook her fist and said "oooooooh". LMBO! That was so funny to me. I am going to start doing that to people.

The Cutest Argument - Must See LOL

I thought this was too cute. Sad, but cute lol. Goes to show you that babies can communicate, we just don't know what they are saying half of the time, but they understand each other lol.

FedEx Ground Ad: Names

LOL this is one of those commercials where it was funny the 1st time, but the funniness lessens each additional time watched. BUT I still cracked up when I 1st saw it...and the 2nd time so it works for me lol.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Waterfalls - TLC

This video was released in 1995. Hard to believe I was only 10 when it came out! Seems like my friends and I were a little yooooung to get the message, but we did. And let's not forget the cool water effect of them coming up from the water and liquidating back into it! Back in the day that was soooo cool, but in today's world, that would probably be considered amateur lol. Oh well, it was a great song and video!

To All My Sorors - Happy 99th Anniversary! OOO-OOP!

Celebrating 99 years of Sisterhood, Scholarship, & Service. 

Happy 99th Anniversary to all my Lovely Sorors!


Killer Foods - Are You A Victim?

I love Dr. Oz so you will see a lot of posts that I got the idea from him. I came across this article "Dr. Oz's Most Wanted: 6 Worst Meals in America" and here they are:

#6 Most Wanted  
Breakfast Sandwich: pancake-wrapped egg, sausage and cheese
This meal was caught with 973 milligrams of cholesterol. The average amount recommended per day is 300 milligrams.

#5 Most Wanted
Chicken burrito and chips
This lunch special was caught loaded with 1700 calories. On average, adult women need about 2000 calories per day.

#4 Most Wanted
Fish encrusted with parmesan cheese, served with spicy rice
This salt-laden dish was caught containing 3300 milligrams of sodium; the average maximum daily intake should be 2300 milligrams.

#3 Most Wanted
Pepperoni and meatball pizza
The average slice was caught with 25 grams of fat; most people should aim for no more than 50 grams of fat per day.

#2 Most Wanted
Pasta with breaded shrimp
This dish was caught with 196 grams of carbs, nearly an entire day's worth.

#1 Most Wanted
Ice cream with mix-ins (such as candy, brownie bits, sprinkles and sauce)
This sweet treat was caught with 1344 grams of sugar, basically a quarter cup of sugar per scoop.

I am happy to report to myself and the world that all 6 of those items above I do NOT consume even once a month so PHEW! A few of those I do not eat at all so they don't concern me.

How many of the Most Wanted Worst Meals have you fell victim to?

P.S. Isn't that killer taco picture the most retarded thing ever? LMBO!