Sunday, January 08, 2012

Beetle Friends

This is a story I wrote back in January of 1998 when I was 12. It is actually a true story, but names have been changed and I cleaned up the grammar juuuuust a little bit. Apparently the actual events took place about a year and a half prior when we were like 10. When I looked it up while writing this post, I think the bugs are actually called "sow bugs" (among other names as well), but oh well, what do we know at 10 lol. I instantly remembered what I was talking about when I read it. I wonder if my friend "Sparkle" remembers this LOL!

Beetle Friends

One day I went to Virginia with my friend Sparkle. It was my mom, dad, Sparkle, and I. We stayed at my mom's uncle and aunt's house. It was in the summer of 1996. It started out corny but then it got fun.

Sparkle and I were bored so we went outside. I had my embroidery floss box so we decided to make rooms for bugs in the little boxes. We had living rooms, bedrooms, bathrooms, and backyards. We tried to find ants to put in it, but the rooms were too big.

We had another idea, we were going to use cups as houses. We put dirt in the cups and put some torn up leaves in it. We even made little holes and put a centimeter or two if water in it. That was to use for a bathtub. Across the bottom we had a stick as a balance beam.

Later that day we found little beetles. They were the kind that curl up when they sense danger. We found a big one and a small one. Mine was the big one and I named it Gabrielle. Sparkle's was the small one and named Michael. We played with them all day (without touching it). Sparkle and I wanted to let them go swimming in their pool. Sparkle filled her pool up with too much water and let Michael swim. I did the same with Gabrielle. 

When we came back to look at them, mine was resting on the stick and Sparkle's was floating in the pool. At first we thought it was sleeping because it curled up. Then we figured out it was dead. Sparkle was mad as ever. We made a funeral and buried him. I felt bad for Sparkle and put mine back in the dirt. Later that day we just went to school.

The End


  1. You and Sparkle have issues! Big toeeeee, Big toe lol

  2. @La La - Lol we were young and creative!

  3. awww yu killed the rolly pollys! lol i cant say nuthin. i did the exact same thing with tiffany but with catepillars lol

  4. @Jessica!! - Lol MINE was still alive! "Sparkle" killed hers lol
