Sunday, January 08, 2012

Sunday Blog SHOUTOUT - 1/8/12

This week's Sunday Blog SHOUTOUT is...

Ooooooo La La - Aretha Franklin Joins the Celeb Holiday Engagement List

All I could say was "awwwwwwwwwww" with this one! I love "Old Love". So many people are hung up on "running out of time" and "getting too old", but yet I am always hearing about people finding the love of their life at an old age. Some even were married previously, got divorced or the spouse died and they found love again. That is why I am not about that "settling" life. There is no need to settle for anything less than what you want and what makes you truly happy. If you are meant to be with someone, God will make it happen in his time and on his terms. I just love the message this sends that it is never too late and you are never too old.

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