Friday, January 13, 2012

Waterfalls - TLC

This video was released in 1995. Hard to believe I was only 10 when it came out! Seems like my friends and I were a little yooooung to get the message, but we did. And let's not forget the cool water effect of them coming up from the water and liquidating back into it! Back in the day that was soooo cool, but in today's world, that would probably be considered amateur lol. Oh well, it was a great song and video!

To All My Sorors - Happy 99th Anniversary! OOO-OOP!

Celebrating 99 years of Sisterhood, Scholarship, & Service. 

Happy 99th Anniversary to all my Lovely Sorors!


Killer Foods - Are You A Victim?

I love Dr. Oz so you will see a lot of posts that I got the idea from him. I came across this article "Dr. Oz's Most Wanted: 6 Worst Meals in America" and here they are:

#6 Most Wanted  
Breakfast Sandwich: pancake-wrapped egg, sausage and cheese
This meal was caught with 973 milligrams of cholesterol. The average amount recommended per day is 300 milligrams.

#5 Most Wanted
Chicken burrito and chips
This lunch special was caught loaded with 1700 calories. On average, adult women need about 2000 calories per day.

#4 Most Wanted
Fish encrusted with parmesan cheese, served with spicy rice
This salt-laden dish was caught containing 3300 milligrams of sodium; the average maximum daily intake should be 2300 milligrams.

#3 Most Wanted
Pepperoni and meatball pizza
The average slice was caught with 25 grams of fat; most people should aim for no more than 50 grams of fat per day.

#2 Most Wanted
Pasta with breaded shrimp
This dish was caught with 196 grams of carbs, nearly an entire day's worth.

#1 Most Wanted
Ice cream with mix-ins (such as candy, brownie bits, sprinkles and sauce)
This sweet treat was caught with 1344 grams of sugar, basically a quarter cup of sugar per scoop.

I am happy to report to myself and the world that all 6 of those items above I do NOT consume even once a month so PHEW! A few of those I do not eat at all so they don't concern me.

How many of the Most Wanted Worst Meals have you fell victim to?

P.S. Isn't that killer taco picture the most retarded thing ever? LMBO!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Yo Momma Jokes - Throw Back!

Now I KNOW yall remember "Yo Momma" Jokes! I think these were most popular while I was in elementary school back in 1996-1999. I even had this paper book I printed that had pages upon pages of these jokes about how ugly, fat, and stupid "Yo Momma" is. 

Looking back it was pretty cruel when people would say these things to each other, but most of the time, the person saying it had never even met the person's mother lol. I think the point was just to have the funniest joke. I just enjoyed reading them and laughing at how funny or DUMB they were. You know the ones that are so dumb they are funny?

Below are a few of my fav funny and dumb "Yo Momma" jokes:

1. Yo mama so stupid she thinks taco bell is a mexican phone company.

2. Yo mama so stupid it took her 2 hours to watch 60 minutes.

3. Yo mama so stupid when your dad said it was chilly outside, she ran outside with a spoon.

4. Yo mama so ugly she looks out the window and got arrested for mooning.

5. Yo mama so ugly her mom had to tie a steak around her neck to get the dogs to play with her.

6. Yo mama so ugly that your father takes her to work with him so that he doesn't have to kiss her goodbye.

7. Yo mama so old I told her to act her own age, and she died.

8. Yo mama so old her social security number is 1!

9. Yo mama so fat when her beeper goes off, people thought she was backing up.

10. Yo mama so skinny she hula hoops with a cheerio.

What are some of your fav "Yo Momma" jokes from back in the day?

Legends of the Coupon Fairies

I say "Coupon Fairies" to so many people and realized that they have NO clue what I am talking about! So I decided to do a quick post about it.

A Coupon Fairy is someone who leaves coupons for others to use in the store, it's that simple. What they do is leave coupons related to that specific product next to or under that product (see example at below). Typically people do this for 2 reasons: 1) They have already bought what they needed and have leftover coupons or 2) They have coupons for a product they do not use. I loooove being a Coupon Fairy! I have done this a few times and sometimes I want to sit and wait and see if anyone picks them up (I don't though lol).


Sometimes a Coupon Fairy can also be someone who physically hands people coupons in the store. I have had this happen to me before. I was in Walmart buying Cover Girl Eye Shadow (my faaaavorite!) and I had about 4 coupons I was going to use that were expiring THAT day so I was crouched down trying to figure out which I was going to buy. A lady approached me and gave me THREE more! She said she wasn't going to use them so figured she would give them to me. In the words of my little cousins...SPLEEEEE!

I think being a Coupon Fairy is awesome! If you are not going to donate your coupons to the troops (who can use them up to 6 months after their expiration date), then why not give someone else a chance to use them?

Have you ever been or been blessed by a Coupon Fairy?

Tidy Up Commercial (VIBRATOR) - Ikea

People...please do better and clean up YOUR toys!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

New!! Let’s Save Money with The Double Saving Divas!

Double Saving Divas

The Double Saving Divas are two black Christian twins that are known for their savvy saving habits. I first saw them on Extreme Couponing and later discovered they had their own website and youtube channel. I have learned a lot from them in the areas of which products are good buys, couponing, saving on clothes, etc.

I signed up for their email list and found out today that they have a new "show" called "Let’s Save Money with The Double Saving Divas!" They will be showing us how to save money in various ways. They also mention in the video that they will be starting something called "Ask The Twins" where you can ask pretty much any question about any topic big or small and they will answer your questions.

I have followed them through their marriages, birth of their babies, etc and I really like them as people. So check them out below and I hope you enjoy them as much as I have!

Check out the video introducing their new segment below:

You can also check out their website here!

Tidy Up for Your Girlfriend - IKEA

LMBO! I don't know if I should have laughed, but i did...LMBO!

Monday, January 09, 2012

The Boy Is Mine - Brandy & Monica

Man this was THE song man and guess when it came out...1998 when I was  12 going on 13. I remember me and my girlfriends would pick a side, I was always Brandy, and sing it. I loved the song, but I always thought the point of the song was dumb. Like why are you fighting over this man...fight HIM. But they redeemed themselves at the end so they are alright with me.

Sunday, January 08, 2012

Beetle Friends

This is a story I wrote back in January of 1998 when I was 12. It is actually a true story, but names have been changed and I cleaned up the grammar juuuuust a little bit. Apparently the actual events took place about a year and a half prior when we were like 10. When I looked it up while writing this post, I think the bugs are actually called "sow bugs" (among other names as well), but oh well, what do we know at 10 lol. I instantly remembered what I was talking about when I read it. I wonder if my friend "Sparkle" remembers this LOL!

Beetle Friends

One day I went to Virginia with my friend Sparkle. It was my mom, dad, Sparkle, and I. We stayed at my mom's uncle and aunt's house. It was in the summer of 1996. It started out corny but then it got fun.

Sparkle and I were bored so we went outside. I had my embroidery floss box so we decided to make rooms for bugs in the little boxes. We had living rooms, bedrooms, bathrooms, and backyards. We tried to find ants to put in it, but the rooms were too big.

We had another idea, we were going to use cups as houses. We put dirt in the cups and put some torn up leaves in it. We even made little holes and put a centimeter or two if water in it. That was to use for a bathtub. Across the bottom we had a stick as a balance beam.

Later that day we found little beetles. They were the kind that curl up when they sense danger. We found a big one and a small one. Mine was the big one and I named it Gabrielle. Sparkle's was the small one and named Michael. We played with them all day (without touching it). Sparkle and I wanted to let them go swimming in their pool. Sparkle filled her pool up with too much water and let Michael swim. I did the same with Gabrielle. 

When we came back to look at them, mine was resting on the stick and Sparkle's was floating in the pool. At first we thought it was sleeping because it curled up. Then we figured out it was dead. Sparkle was mad as ever. We made a funeral and buried him. I felt bad for Sparkle and put mine back in the dirt. Later that day we just went to school.

The End

Sunday Blog SHOUTOUT - 1/8/12

This week's Sunday Blog SHOUTOUT is...

Ooooooo La La - Aretha Franklin Joins the Celeb Holiday Engagement List

All I could say was "awwwwwwwwwww" with this one! I love "Old Love". So many people are hung up on "running out of time" and "getting too old", but yet I am always hearing about people finding the love of their life at an old age. Some even were married previously, got divorced or the spouse died and they found love again. That is why I am not about that "settling" life. There is no need to settle for anything less than what you want and what makes you truly happy. If you are meant to be with someone, God will make it happen in his time and on his terms. I just love the message this sends that it is never too late and you are never too old.