Saturday, May 07, 2016
Adobe Illustrator (Ai) Tutorial - Using Shapes Part 2
Adobe Illustrator (Ai) Tutorial - Using Shapes Part 1
This video is the second in my Adobe Illustrator (AI), tutorial series. In this video (Part 1 and Part 2) we will walk through:
- Creating Rectangles
- Creating Rounded Rectangles
- Creating Ellipsis (including pac man!)
- Creating Polygons (with differing number of sides i.e triangles)
- Creating Stars (with differing number of points)
- Changing the stroke and fill of shapes
- Overlapping shapes
- Working with resizing and anchor points
- Working with custom corners
Head on over to my YouTube channel and check it out!
Adobe Illustrator CC Tutorial - Using the Line Segment Tool
This video is the first in my Adobe Illustrator (AI), tutorial series. In this video we will walk through:
Drawing horizontal, vertical, and diagonal lines
The effect of using the alt key
What are anchor points?
Extending an existing line
Rotating lines
Using Shift+Click to get straight lines
Moving lines using guides
Head on over to my YouTube channel to check it out!